Out of the Blue follows the alarming die-off of Cape Fur Seals in South Africa, which has left marine biologists puzzled and locals in danger, as the seals become aggressive.

The story is told by Theko Boshomane, a local painter deeply connected to the seals. As he sets out to understand the crisis while reflecting their changing behaviour in his art, we get to know the people whose lives are most impacted by the changing behaviour of the seals.

As scientists and researchers race to investigate the cause, they uncover a deadly disease spreading through the seal population—one that could have far-reaching consequences for marine life and human safety.

Despite limited resources, their findings point to a global threat, and South Africans find themselves on the front lines, battling to contain the outbreak before it spirals out of control.

“We should all listen to the language of the sea”

- Theko Boshomane, painter & storyteller


For the first time in history, rabies has leaped into the ocean, threatening not just marine life but human health as well.

As the virus spreads through coastal waters, it risks reaching sub-Antarctic islands, where untouched ecosystems could be decimated. Vulnerable species could be wiped out, and the potential for the disease to spread across oceans is a global crisis in the making.

With little research and funding, the situation is riddled with unknowns. World-class investigation and action is needed now, before it’s too late.

“For the first time in history, rabies has leaped into the ocean, a potential global threat - not only to marine ecosystems, but to human safety worldwide.”




Marine Biologist & Director of Sea Search Africa

Artist, Storyteller and Narrator

Seal Snorkeling Business Owner & Expedition Leader


Victim of Seal Aggression



Director & Cinematographer


“My deepest drive as a human being is to make a positive impact on our planet. With my first feature length documentary, Out Of The Blue | Unraveling The Mystery Of The Cape Fur Seals, I am trying to accomplish that.

The film follows the work of scientists from Sea Search Africa from the very beginning three years ago and reveals their discoveries. I also wanted to tell the stories of people whose lives are most impacted by the changing behaviour of the seals. The film is narrated by local artist and storyteller Theko Boshomane, who gives the story true emotion and soul.

As this is the first time that rabies enters our oceans, there are many questions that cannot be answered right now. I believe that we urgently need more specialized people working on this issue to really understand what is happening.

I also think we should focus our energy on preventing rabies from spreading further into our oceans, before other – more vulnerable – species are badly impacted.”


As urgent action is needed to address the situation, the movie aims to raise awareness worldwide. With this film our aim is to:

  • Raise awareness about the threat of rabies in the ocean

  • Inspire the government to take sanctions to prevent spreading of rabies

  • Amplify the voice of Sea Search Africa and raise funding for seal research

  • Inform local beach users, watersports enthusiasts, fishermen and tourists

  • Celebrate the beauty of the seals

By organising an impactful release campaign in the peak of the Cape Town summer season, we will be able to support the call for immediate action.